Person Page-Research

Group News!


Jan: Returning, we have Lydia joining the group! And we have a new member, Zuni, joining us for research this semester! 


Oct 23: Victoria joined the group! Happy to make this group a helium rather than a hydrogen!


Jul 24: Justin successfully defended his dissertation. Congrats on your PhD! He will be moving to the first floor to teach CHM 124!

May 20: Hailey graduated from URI with a BS in Chemistry and a minor in Mathematics. She will be going to Princeton to pursue her PhD and was a awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!

May 2: Hailey was awarded the University Academic Excellence Award! Congrats and well deserved!

Apr 26: Thomas successfully defended his dissertation. Congrats on your PhD and have fun in Michigan!

Mar 29: Kassie successfully defended her dissertation. Congrats on your PhD! She got a job with Pharmaron!

Jan 3: Rebecca Chan - Chao joins the Kiesewetter group! (She's shared between our group and the Pratt group... kinda like a covalent bond)

2021 - 2022

A general hiatus of reporting group news... but we'll add to this eventually.

Jan: Hailey Hendricks (Undergraduate Researcher) joins the group! She will be working with Kassie.

Jan: Inush defended his dissertation. Congrats on your PhD!


July 29: Rukshika successfully defended her dissertation. Congrats on your second PhD!

June 9: Kassie Picard joins the Kiesewetter group. Welcome to the group!

April 2: Tara successfully defended her dissertation. Congrats Tara! Tara also accepted a post doctoral position at Yale University School of Medicine, in the Glazer Lab.

Jan 21: Adelaide Levenson (URI Chemistry) joins the group. Adelaide will be working with T-Kat. Welcome to the group Adelaide!


Nov 25: Rukshika has a new publication in Macromolecules.

Aug 12: Bryant Point (URI Chemistry/Math undergrad) joins the group. Bryant will be working with T-Kat. Welcome Bryant!

July 29: Justin Pantano joins the group as a new grad student! Welcome J(s)P

July 26: Sebastian is named the 2019 EPSCoR/C-AIM Govenors Scholar!

May 1: Tara received the Organic Chemistry Research award (URI chemistry department) for 2018-2019. Thomas received the Graduate Student Teaching Assistant award (URI chemistry department) for 2018-2019 academic year.

April 12: Tara is awarded the Dean's Fellowship for the 2019-2020 academic year! Congratulations Tara!

March 29: Jinal successfully defended his dissertation. Congratulation JP!

Feb 25: Tara and Jinal got a new publication in Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry.

Feb 21: Jinal accepted a post doctoral position at Yale University, in the Saltzman Lab. Congrats Jinal!


Dec 12: Kurt, Danielle, T-Kat and Tara got a new publication in Macromolecules.

Dec 06: Veterans Tim and Partha has a new publication in ACS Chem Ed. Congratulations!!!  

Nov 05: Kurt started his new position at Waters Corperation. Congrats Kurt! 

Oct 17: Kurt successfully defended his dissertation. Tara and Terra has a new publication in Macromolecules. Congrats!

Sep 19: Elizabeth Jerome (URI Chemistry undergrad) joins the group. Welcome Liz! She is gonna be working with T-cat.

May 21: Michelle Lee (URI Chemistry undergrad) and Molly Powers (RIC Chemistry undergrad) joins the group. Michelle will be working with Jinal and Molly will be working with Kurt. Welcome Michelle and Molly!

May 12: Oleg K. accepted a post doctoral position at Brandies University, Waltham, MA. Congrats Old Leg!!

May 10: Partha accepted a position at the FDA. Congrats P. Datta!!! 

May 10: Tara was awarded a University of Rhode Island Graduate School tuition scholarship for the 2018-2019 academic year. Kurt received the Graduate Student Teaching Assistant award (URI chemistry department) for 2017-2018 academic year. Jinal received the Organic Chemistry Research award (URI chemistry department) for 2017-2018. Congratulations all!

April 19: Timothy successfully defended his dissertation. He is the first student to start working in the Kiesewetter Lab. Congrats!

April 18: Oleg K. successfully defended his dissertation. Congrats!

April 13: Timothy Bannin accepted a teaching position at Gonzaga University. Woohooo!

April 11: Partha Datta successfully defended his dissertation. He is the first PhD from the Kiesewetter Lab. Congrats!

April 11 (busy day):  Jinal, Rukshika (Dr. Rukz) and Boss have a new beast of a publication in Macromolecules. Congrats! 

April 9:  Tara was awarded the URI Graduate School Tuition Scholarship for the 2018-2019 academic year. Congrats!

March 28: Danielle Coderre was appointed a NIH post-bac research position. Yay!

Jan 22: Sebastian Rueda (URI Chemistry undergrad) joins the group. Welcome Sebastian! He will be working with Jinal.


Oct 29: Thomas Wright joins the group as a new grad student. Welcome T-cat!

Nov 22: Jinal and gang have a publication in ACS Macromolecules. Congrats!

May 31: New undergrad researcher, Terra Jouaneh, starts her research. Terra will be working with Tara, for added confusion.

May 19: Partha and Jinal have a publication in European Polymer Journal special issue on Organocatalysis for ROP. Congrats!

April 3: 'Boss' gives presentation at the Young Investigator' Symposium at the ACS to brag about his students.

March 29: Nayanthara and team have a publication in ACS MacroLett. Congrats!

January 9: Group welcomes new undergraduate researcher, Danielle Coderre!


Nov 11: Welcome to Rukshika Hewawasam and Inush Kalana, new graduate students.

Aug 2: Kurt, Sam and team have a publication in ACS MacroLett. A first for the group!

July 27: Sam Spink won a Goldwater Scholarship! (actually from March, but we are still proud)!

July 27: Congrats and thanks to the group on the successful move to the Beaupre Center (new Chemistry Building)!

July 27: We have a group news page!


Useful links

URI Chemical Hygiene Plan

Magnetic Resonance Periodic Table

NMR Frequencies Table

Trace Impurities Chemical Shifts