
Chlorine and Rubidium Resonances in RbNiCl3

William B. Euler, Christopher Long, William G. Moulton, Barry B. Garrett, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 1978, 32, 33 – 38


The 35Cl and 87Rb NMR in RbNiCl3 are reported for temperatures down to 1.3 and 12 K, respectively. The compound orders near 11 K. For both CsNiCl3 and RbNiCl3 the shift tensor data, quadrupole data, and magnetic moment data yield independent yet consistent estimates of the covalency in these compounds. The pσ-orbital spin density is fσ ≅ 7.3%. Empirical estimates of the Sternheimer shielding (1 – γ) = S are obtained for chlorine (S = 31), cesium (S = 64), and rubidium (S = 26).

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