Seminar Series

connect_errno) { if($showErrors) { echo "Failed to connect:".$dbConnect->connect_error; } } $j=0; $sql = "select distinct * from semesterSchedule order by start desc"; // Get start dates of each term for organizing seminar listing. $semres=$dbConnect->query($sql); while($semrow=$semres->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { $semesterStart[$j][0] = $semrow['term']; // Fall, Spring, etc. $semesterStart[$j][1] = $semrow['start']; // Start of semester //echo $semesterStart[$j][1]; $semesterStart[$j++][2] = $semrow['year']; // Year of semester } //echo $semesterStart[0][1]; $dsplyCt = 0; // Only display two most-recent semesters. for($k=0;$k= '".$semesterStart[$k][1]."' and date < '".$semesterStart[$k-1][1]."' order by date ASC, time ASC"; // change to ASC #BB# 14Sep11 //echo $sql; $res = $dbConnect->query($sql); if( $res->num_rows <= 0 ) continue; $dsplyCt++; echo '

The Forensic Science Seminar Series is offered each semester by the Forensic Science Partnership. Speakers represent the many different specialized areas of forensic science. The speakers present their real-life experience in their field. Seminars are offered for credit, but are also open to the public at no cost. Take a look at this semester's lineup! All seminars will be held on Fridays in the new Richard E. Beaupre Center for Chemical and Forensic Sciences building: Beaupre 100, from 3:30 - 5:00 PM.

'; $i=0; while($row=$res->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { $year=substr($row['date'],0,4); $month=substr($row['date'],5,2); $day=substr($row['date'],8,2); $date=date("j-M",mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year)); if($dateNext === false) //if the next event has been determined, ignore all other upcoming events. This is dependent upon the order of the preceding db select TSW - 9/14/11 if(($row['date'] > $today) || (($row['date'] == $today) && (date('G',strtotime($row['time'])) >= date('G')))) { // Generate upcoming event $dateNext=$date; $speakerNext=$row['speaker']; //Hack to post link to this seminar before seminar takes place - 2020-09-25 - TSW: if( $row['date'] == '2020-09-25' ) $row['link_title_address'] = $onlineLinkTemp_20200925; if(strlen($row['link_title_address']) > 3) { $titleNext="".$row['title'].""; // $titleNext="asdf"; } else { $titleNext=$row['title']; }//if-else $addressNext=$row['address']; $timeraw=$row["time"]; $hour=substr($timeraw,0,2); $minute=substr($timeraw,3,2); if($hour && $minute) { $timeNext=date("g:ia",mktime($hour,$minute,0,$month,$day,$year)); } $locationNext=$row['location']; }//if if((floor($i/2)*2) == $i) { $color="#ccccff"; } else { $color="white"; } if( strlen( $row['link_title_address'] ) > 3 ) { $title_text = "".$row['title'].""; } else { $title_text=$row['title']; } echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; $i++; } } ?>
'.$semesterStart[$k][0].' '.$semesterStart[$k][2].'
Date Speaker Topic Affiliation

Past Seminars


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